
Showing posts from May, 2018

Extra Credit Blog #1

Dr. Reardon getting ready to present her lecture On May 18, 2018, I attended a lecture that was the last part of the Social Genome series of lectures. It was hosted by a guest presenter by the name of Jenny Reardon who was from UC Santa Cruz. The title of the lecture was " Just Genomes? " The presentation at first seemed like it was going to be similar to the first one I attended by Dr. Daniel Navon from UC San Diego who purely talked about just genes. Once Jenny started going over the material she was going to be presenting, I noticed it was slightly different from the earlier lecture. Dr. Reardon kept talking about her book and I couldn't really understand what was the connection between the two because I did not read her book. She mentioned how we could make a correlation between race and genetics and ways we should talk about it, and ways we should not talk about it along with ways people can looking into someone's genome. One of the slides from the pres...

Week 9 - Space + Art

Millenium Falcon spaceship from Star Wars In this week's class discussion we went over how space and art relate to one another. This topic pretty much talks about everything we have covered in the class over the quarter. The concept of space is very interesting but when you combine it with the idea of art it turns it into a whole different dimension and spectrum in our world. One of the artist in the Leonardo Space At Project, Arthur Woods said "Th e continued exploration and exploitation of the space environment are essential to the future survival and prosperity of the human species ( Leonardo Space Art Projec t). It's really interesting to think that space is a whole other area that we have just scratched the surface to, there is a whole other world beyond that. A lot of pop culture and sci-fi shows use space just because a lot of people find it really fascinating.  Death Star from Star Wars https://en.wikipedia....

Week 8 - NanoTech + Art

Hiro Tadashi the kid in Big Hero 6 holding his microbots The field of nanotechnology is a very peculiar one. It is one of those topics that not many people pay attention to and give a lot of focus to. Nanotechnology should be hard or not visible to the naked eye, it takes looking under a microscope to see. In this week's reading I read "The Nanomene Syndrome" it mentions "Nanotechnology is more of a science than technology" (Gimzewski and Vesna). In the same reading, I also found "Nanotechnology was first proposed in the early seventies by a Japanese engineer' (Gimzewski and Vesna). I then made the connection that a few years ago in the Disney movie Big Hero 6 that took place in Japan, there was this kid who created the idea of microbots which were derived from nanotechnology. That is one of the few instances that I could remember that nanotechnology was featured in a film and used as one of the main st...

Event #3 - Vivarium Exhibit

The human inside the dome being projected on the screen on the wall For my third DESMA event, I went to the opening of the "Vivarium" exhibit which was on May 10, 2018 at the CNSI gallery. which was on the which was put on by a research graduate student, Maru Garcia. The exhibit had two components to it, one was a half-dome object which contained soil and plants and the other part was covered with condensation which made the dome really foggy. The other piece of art was another half-dome object which had a person inside of it. At first I was very confused as to what was going on in the exhibit because it didn't really relate to anything we had learned in the class. It just seemed awkward and weird being in what seemed like a human biome. I felt that maybe Garcia wanted us to engage in what felt like what was actually being in a nature environment.  Me with the Human in the dome I then tried to use what we learned in the past weeks to try to connect ...

Week 7- Neurosci + Art

Art depiction of Brainbow Hippocampus When I think of neuroscience, the first thing that comes to mind is the brain and all the wiring and manipulations people can do with it. Neuroscience is like the art that the mind thinks it sees or perceives. Our brains are very complex and intricate and it is very interesting when people create art with the human brain. Like for example this image to the left is from Greg Dunn and he created the "Brainbow Hippocampus" which depicts the fascinating what looks like signals of the brain. It shows the neuronic signals that travel from the brain to the hippocampus. In the article Neuroculture it states that, "Neurocultural products not only draw inspiration from the beauty and wonders of brain anatomy and mechanisms" (Frazetto and Anker). From this quote I understand that people even create images of the brain that are also not the best, some may be gruesome but it ...

Week 6 - BioTech + Art

BioArt seems to show an interesting purpose within the area of not only arts, but science as well. This week in the reading by Chris Kelty, he talks about the three types of features in the landscape of public participation today which consist of hackers, outlaws, and Victorian gentlemen scientists (pg.1). Many people do not like the idea of outlaw biology because they see it as fake or as a myth. It feels as if many people are against the idea of these people in this system mainly due to the fact that these people are artists and not scientists and they are not as welcomed into a lab setting. This topic of BioArt is heavily scrutinized because they want tot use the idea of genes mutations and turn them into art. Just like this artist here, he used a polymer-scaffold that was shaped like a ear into his skin. Projects and creations like this upset people because they feel it is wrong to use a mutation in the body and turn it into art. Man grows arm on his ear due to gene mutation ht...

Event 2 - The Construction of the Environment in Epigenetics Research

Clemence Pinel background information On May 9, 2018, I went to listen to Clemence Pinel who came from King's College in London in the Life Science building on campus to talk about the environment of epigenetics research. It was very interesting to see what actually goes on in the business aspect of a lab. She mentioned how researchers can be entrepreneurs and they try to focus the most on ethnographic studies. She mentioned how her study involved two different labs (Pinel, 5/9/18). Lab A consisted of a breast cancer research lab which focused on gylcobiology and epigenetics and around two genes or our genes.Lab B was about computational biology so it involved epigenetics, microbiome, and transcriptomics and it was centered around their twins data. She also mentioned how scientists and researchers focus on certain environmental factors in their study. One thing that she mentioned that I was able to understand really well was how scientists are "wild" capitalists bec...